Apple iPod touch 5 hands-on



“Developers developers developers developers”
o yes I did lol.

Those who pre-ordered the 2012 iPod touch 5 have already started receiving their devices..and that includes me.
After 2 hours of usage I find that this is possibly one of the biggest performance bumps (if we ignore how Apple skipped an update from 4 to 4.5) ever for the iPod touch.
Click Read More for a few very quick hands-on notes, and be sure to check on [UPDATE: review is up!]for the full review later.



– very slim, sturdy-feeling (scratch-prone maybe) aluminium back
– sufficiently weighty
– display has far better colour range; warmer
– Earpods sound nice; doesn’t fit so well
– fluid UI; consistent performance
feels superfast compared to iPod touch 4 [update: speed test]
– photos no longer suck
– HDR mode!
– Siri- nice to have, probably not going to be particularly useful

I want Google Maps.

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